
CRESCO - Kelly Buehler of Cresco is the local Kiwanis 2018-2019 Layperson of the Year. In addition, she was given the Nebraska-Iowa District Kiwanis International 2018-2019 Layperson of the Year Division Award at the Cresco Kiwanis regular October meeting. The elementary teacher is definitely a...
LIME SPRINGS - Damon and Sherry Gragert and son, Jared, were named the Kiwanis Farm Family of the Year for 2019.    Farming Damon and Jared take care of most of the daily chores, including crop farming and raising around 70 cows and calves and finishing another 100 fat cattle. They also custom farm...
Cresco - Doug Berg of Cresco is the local Kiwanis International 2017-2018  Layperson of the Year Club and 2017-2018 Nebraska-Iowa District Kiwanis International Layperson of the Year. Berg was given the awards at the Cresco Kiwanis regular October meeting. He has held most offices in the local...
  CRESCO - Every other year during National Night Out, the Cresco Kiwanis sponsors the Culpepper & Merriweather Circus. You guessed it! This is the year for some crazy fun! The event is taking place a week earlier than usual, on Tuesday, July 31.  • Circus Tour: The day starts off with a free...
  Lime Springs - Farming is a staple industry in Iowa, and it is a well-known slogan that “farmers feed the world.” The Charlie and Shannon Reis family is a farming family, dairy specifically, and they have been chosen as the Kiwanis Farm Family of the Year. They were recognized at the FFA Banquet...
  CRESCO - The Cresco Kiwanis Club has been an active service organization in Cresco for decades. The County Store has been serving Howard County for eight years. Although their tenure in the community is different, their goals are similar. After a presentation to the Kiwanis Club, by County Store...

Cresco Times

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