Harlan Larson is Santa’s helper

Lime Springs - He’s got the suit, he’s got the boots, he’s got glasses, but most importantly, he’s got the beard! He even has a pair of glasses his grandfather, who at one time portrayed Santa, wore.
Harlan Larson is fairly new to being Santa Claus’ helper, but he is certainly making up for lost time. In just one week, he had five engagements and three others before Christmas at local nursing homes.
He had thought about it for a while, and two-and-a-half years ago, he ordered a Santa suit. That year, December 2016, he had his own beard and the following year, he used a fake beard. “It’s easier to eat cookies with a real beard,” he joked. “And the fake beard is much hotter!”
It was easier to keep up his beard this year. He started growing it out for Lime Springs’ 150th celebration beard contest, which began on March 12. He hasn’t cut it yet, so he certainly looks the part of Santa’s helper.
Over the past two years, Larson has gotten busier and busier during the Christmas season. In 2016, he just visited a few places. Last year he had a few more, and this year he was quite busy.
One of his favorite visits was to a family for their Christmas celebration. “A woman had a private party with her grandchildren. I went in the garage and put the presents in my big sack. Then I went in and pulled out presents for each kid. It was fun!”
Larson enjoys playing Santa’s helper. “Mary [his wife] and I both volunteer for hospice, and they asked me to play Santa. It’s something fun to do for kids and residents. If they don’t come out, we go to their rooms. The residents think it’s fun!”
He takes his “Mini Me” with him on his visits. It is a Santa that sings and dances. “The residents like him. They sing along, and so do I. The kids like to push the button [to turn him on],” Larson said.
The couple has three children, Michael, Ericka and Christine, and three grandchildren, Mayer (age six) and  Morgan (four) Larson and Ava Cushman (one-and-a-half). The grandchildren recognize the Jolly Red Elf as Grandpa right away, so Larson is happy just being Santa’s helper.
Larson likes dressing up in his Santa suit and chatting with young and old alike. He has always enjoyed the local kids. For 30 years, he coached softball for youth, worked as a custodian at Lime Springs-Chester Elementary School for about six years and has mentored a couple kids over the years.
Who better to be Santa’s helper than someone who has been helping in the community for years?

Cresco Times

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