Council votes to raise water/sewer rates each 5%
Wed, 04/26/2023 - 5:27pm

Marcie Klomp ~ News Editor
CRESCO - City Council members voted to raise water and sewer rates 5% each, at the April 17 regular meetings.
At the previous meeting, they had voted to raise water 4% and sewer 6%. After looking over the figures, City Clerk Michelle Elton said 5% for each would be better. “Six percent for sewer is a bit high,” she explained. “Right now, we have enough in reserves.”
This will raise the base for water from $8.58 to $9 and from $14.34 to $15.06 for sewer.
The first of three readings of the ordinances were read and approved.
In regards to budgets for the different departments, Elton said, “All of our supervisors are budget-conscious. I commend them. Every year, I look for the fluff, and there is none.”
• In other business from the meeting, Public Works Director Nate Widell reported the yard waste pickup scheduled for April 17 was postponed until the following day due to the snowstorm.
The small water tower was to be inspected.
The street sweeper was busy the previous few weeks. “There was a lot of debris that needed cleaning in the streets,” Widell added.
• Police Chief Tim Ruroden said new parts for the two speed signs have been received and are ready to be installed.
• Elton reported bids for the 7th St. Project are due April 27. On April 24, the Howard County Supervisors will be meeting with Council members at 4 p.m.
“We will be advertising for positions on all the boards and commissions. The terms run from July 1, 2023 for three years.”
Upper Explorerland is offering two free lead certification trainings, on April 25 in Fayette and May 1 in Calmar.
• Council person Rich McConnell reported on several of his committees, including events mentioned at the Chamber meeting (Banquet on April 26 with Mike Naig; Sleepy Hollow Open House; Fly-In Breakfast - Aug. 6; Annual Golf - Aug. 9; Harvest Fest - Aug. 25-27 with Corey Farley, with CUSB Bank’s 135th anniversary).
In addition, he updated Council on the Park Board. Jamie Hackman is moving, and Wendy Bohr is retiring on Aug. 31. The board is looking at the positions and taking into account the Fitness Center’s deficit of $77,000 for the year.
“The Airport Commission met and voted on a 3% increase each year for hangar rent.”
• Alex Fortune reported on Theatre Commission, which is looking at the cost of the scene shop and looking at rental rates in the building.
• Council approved the Nutrient Reduction Strategy Report. Council person Amy Bouska stated, “It was an exceptionally well-written report . . . not that I’m a sewage chemist. I thought they presented it very well.”
• The proposed budget for FY 2024 was approved.
• Council approved and awarded the bid for repairs and repainting of the north water tower of $601,200 from BRZ Coatings Inc.
• McConnell said, “The Airport Commission has the opportunity to do a state grant due May 25. It is an 80/20 (20% for the City) for asphalt overlay.” It could be about $177,000 total. The City wouldn’t know until fall if it was awarded.
Airport Manager Clair Pecinovsky explained, “Mehmerts fixed the frost heaving from the previous year’s grant.”
The next meeting will be on Monday, May 1 at 5:30 p.m. at Cresco City Hall