Licensed Mental Health Counselor Hosek joins RHS
Wed, 01/25/2017 - 10:59am

By Sara Stromseth-Troy TPD Staff
CRESCO - Regional Health Services of Howard County is pleased to announce that Dee Hosek, licensed mental health counselor, will be joining the Behavioral Health Department on Feb. 1, 2017.
She is a familiar face to the area as her previous positions were executive director of Veterans Affairs for Howard County Commission of Veterans Affairs and a licensed mental health counselor for Northeast Iowa Behavioral Health. Her passion is counseling people of all ages, from all walks of life on mental health or substance abuse issues.
Robin Schluter, CEO of RHSHC stated, "Hiring Dee Hosek, licensed mental health counselor, is an additional step for service expansion at RHSHC as a result of the community needs assessment that was done in 2014. One of the needs identified from that survey was for increased mental health services. We are very pleased to bring a trusted and familiar face back to the community to help us serve those who need mental health and substance abuse counseling."
Hosek said she is pleased to return to work in her hometown:
I was born and raised in Cresco, and am really happy to be back working in the area,” she said. “I worked at Northeast Iowa Behavioral Health in Decorah for two-and-a-half years, and I had an office in Cresco for the past year- and-half, but I will be here all of the time now. I’m excited to start at Regional Health Services and be back in the Cresco community.”
Hosek said her areas of specialty include substance abuse and mental health counseling, and that she works with clients of all ages.
To schedule an appointment with Dee Hosek in the Behavioral Health Department, call the Cresco Medical Clinic at 563-547-2022.