CRESCO - Attention to all Quilters: Feb. 4 National Sew-in Day for Quilts of Valor. I would like to invite all to come and make this a record day for our QOV Workshop. Our regular workshop for Quilts of Valor is scheduled for Feb. 3-4 at the Weed Patch Retreat Center in Cresco. The hours are...
Vernon Springs - Due to a lack of snow in Dubuque, the Iowa Winter Games featuring cross country skiing was moved to Vernon Springs on this Saturday, Jan. 28. Yes, the same weekend as Snowfest.
Although trail groomer Mark Johnson has known it might be a possibility for two weeks, he didn’t find...
Howard County - The area received a nice dollop of snow on Wednesday, Jan. 25 . . . 8-10 inches worth!
The Times Plain Dealer has decided to have a snow sculpture contest.
The sculpture can be a snowman, snow castle, snow mobile or whatever tickles your fancy. Kids through adult are invited to...
Lime Springs - Jen and Jason [Reis] had a farm; E-I-E-I-O. And on their farm they had some shrimp; E-I-E-I-O.
On a farm?
In Howard County, Iowa?
Yep. And it’s called Windy Rock Shrimp.
It all started a few years ago when the Reises were looking for some healthy shrimp at the grocery...
CRESCO - Regional Health Services of Howard County is pleased to announce that Dee Hosek, licensed mental health counselor, will be joining the Behavioral Health Department on Feb. 1, 2017.
She is a familiar face to the area as her previous positions were executive director of Veterans Affairs...
Howard County - Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging has its Feb. meals planned. Each meal includes milk. Meals are offered on a contribution basis for people over 60 years of age. Actual cost for the meal is $8.28. People under 60 must pay the actual cost.
Meal locations in Howard County are as...
Decorah - The Women’s March on Washington, D.C. was held on Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017 with a rally beginning at 10 a.m. and ending at 1:15 p.m. The grassroots effort comprised of dozens of independent coordinators at the state level was helmed by four national co-chairs and a national coordinating...
CRESCO - The Times Plain Dealer has been in the midst of switching its website and e-mail provider.
“We ran into a little snafu,” said Editor Marcie Klomp. “Things did not transfer as easily as we expected, and we were not able to receive or send any e-mails from Thursday-Tuesday, Jan. 19-24.
CRESCO - They’re coming!
Howard County is being invaded by about 15,000 RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa) riders, with their support crew on Thursday-Friday July 27-28, 2017!
On Saturday, Jan. 21, the Route Announcement Party was held at the Iowa Events Center in...
HOWARD COUNTY - The big news at the Jan. 9 Howard-Winneshiek School Board meeting was the resignation of Supt. John Carver.
Superintendent’s Report:
In other news at the meeting, Carver provided an update regarding the construction of the new activities stadium complex, noting that demolition...