New security system for Crestwood
Tue, 04/30/2024 - 4:59pm

CRESCO - All three of Cresco’s school buildings have been given $50,000 a piece from an Iowa grant to upgrade the existing security system, parts of which date back nearly 15 years.
Superintendent Kris Einck has been focused on providing a state-of-the-art security system to protect every student from outside threats. Harold Jensen, Howard-Winneshiek’s Hardware Integrationist has spent over 40 hours researching and learning about all the different options and companies involved with the potential new upgrades.
Options involving Artificial Intelligence (AI), facial recognition, the scanning of a Driver’s License for a complete background check, identification of dangerous items in the hallways, and an alert system to staff are all on the table.
Other individuals involved in the research include Larry Trende, Kris Einck, and Heather Klenke, who give suggestions, do research, and act as a sounding board for Jensen, while he communicates with companies regarding the different softwares and materials.
The security project will cost $277,000, and will include new front doors, cameras, and installation. The project is projected to be completed in August of 2024, just before the start of the new school year.
The installation company will be Riverside Tech Inc, with the vendor providing the software being Verkada. Verkada is currently utilized by Decorah as well as other area schools.
Over 100 cameras will be utilized throughout school grounds, including in the parking lot, near the track, leading up to the front door, and several other places inside where there isn’t current coverage.
Staff will have the option to either continue the use of regular badges or download an app that will grant access to the building after a 2 factor authentication process. This will help staff gain access to the building if they may have accidently left their badges at home, or if they prefer to use their phones instead.
The AI feature on the cameras will help identify students, strangers, and dangerous objects in the school. For example, if a stranger comes too close to the playground, the software can identify a possible threat and send out an alert to the appropriate staff members immediately. Items like guns, knives, bombs, or other dangerous weapons can also be identified by the software.